Cheese: Its origin dates back to the 18th century. After skimming the milk, the farmers had the idea of making a cheese with the whey (skimmed milk), they had an extra supply of salt. They made this cheese, salty, soft, almost translucent, without fat. The moulds at the time were made of wood, then stainless steel, now they are made of plastic. There are no chemical preservatives. The natural preservative is salt. It is a skimmed cheese, made from raw milk, square in shape.
The beer : The municipality has commissioned a unique recipe for Rocroy, a beer halfway between blonde and amber. A Confrérie de la bière et du fromage de Rocroi (Brotherhood of beer and cheese) regularly takes part in events to promote it.
La Bayard : Triple 8° created in 2020 for the town of Bogny sur Meuse, the beer of the Cheval Fée in a cherry, blond version.
La Baraquine: Triple created in 2021 for the town of Monthermé, with the effigy of the weather vane located in the main street as a symbol of the brewery. The Abbaye de Laval Dieu was one of the first breweries in the 12th century.
Another beer from a group of Ardennes friends who brew it in Monthermé. It is possible to visit the small brewery, the name of the beers are Ardennes with a legend. You can taste other brews elaborated for unique occasions: "Brich'naude, la Berlée, la Yauque".
Bogny sur Meuse: The restaurant "La Grande Chaumière" will also have its own beer reserved for the consumers of the bar-restaurant. Brewed in Launois sur Vence for the time being, while a brewery is also being set up on the premises.
Thilay: beer served only on draught in a sublime glass that we will let you discover. "La Brassée de la Semoy".
Montcornet: Montcornu beer at the Restaurant open to wenesday to sundy for lunch and diner. Cervoise will soon arrive on the site of the historic centre
Rimogne : To help the restoration of the St Quentin well the municipality launches a limited edition "l'Ecaillon" Triple

The idea isn’t absurd because, at the beginning of the last century, the town had no fewer than three breweries. Rocroi will now therefore have its own beer. A beer which it is not going to be exported. It will be possible to enjoy this precious blend of hops and malt – made by the Fagnes Brewery – in the Rocroi bars and at the time of events organised in the town. For the packaging, it is a graphic designer from Bourg-Fidèle who designed the label on a paper conjuring up a parchment depicting, among other things, the town’s emblem. The Rocroy has an alcohol content of 6.5% and tastes strangely like a Super des Fagnes but with a hint of honey which we are assured is not included in its list of ingredients. Neither too bitter, nor too refined, you’ll love its flavour which the Town Hall doesn’t hesitate to make known. On sale in the two Tourist Offices
Son of a Dragon and a Snake. Renowned for its strength and intelligence, Bayard, the Legendary Fairy Horse helped the Aymon brothers to flee the Ire of the Emperor Charlemagne. A powerful image of our local culture, the steed continued to roam around the Ardennes Forest. Craft beer brewed and bottled by Ardwen (Launois-sur-Vence) on behalf of Capsule Drink's (Bogny-sur-Meuse)