
La Boucle de Monthermé

The famous “Boucle de la Meuse” in Monthermé: one of the Pearls of the Valley, famous beyond our frontiers. The Monthermé overhang will allow you to discover a unique landscape and breath-taking panoramas.
The origin of the name “Monthermé” can be found written in Latin in the Cartulary charters of Laval Dieu Abbey. The oldest one kept at the départemental Archives dates from 1141, in which it can be read “de Monte Hermeri”. In 1264 it can be found in Old French “de Monthermeis”. Monthermé became common from the 16th century onwards. The etymology of this compound name can be found in ancient Latin with the words “mons, montis”, a mountain, and “hermus or heremus”, which means “uncultivated lands that do not belong to anyone”. Monthermé stems from “Mont Hermes”, born from this mixture of the ancient usage of the druids with the Latin introduced by the Romans. The word “Hermes” should be taken in the sense given in all likelihood by the first inhabitants of Celtic culture, who arrived on the left bank of the Meuse, facing the mount that was in front of them, from Écaillettes to Roma, which was originally just a forest: “uncultivated lands that do not belong to anyone”.

Practical Info



 Monthermé a fait partie des 14 villages sélectionnés pour représenter la région Grand Est au concours de l'émission de télévision "Le Village Préféré des Français", animée par Stéphane BERN en 2024

Le classement : 5ème position.


Stéphane Bern
port de plaisance et aire de camping car proche de la voie verte
Eglise Saint Léger vue par la voie verte
la voie verte accessible