The Montcornet feudal castle in the Ardennes is one of the largest remains of mediaeval fortifications. This “veritable feudal Coliseum” in the words of Michelet has been a listed historical monument since 1926. In the 11th and 12th centuries, the Montcornet family built the first castle. In the 13th century, the seigneury passed to the Burgundian Lords Noyers and Mellos. In 1446 Antoine de Croÿ acquired it and completely transformed it, and then it was acquired by Charles de Gonzague in 1613. Through a succession of sales and inheritances, the marquisate became the property of the Dukes of Mazarin and Aiguillons-Richelieu, then of the Marquis de Chabrillan. A ninety-minute visit will allow you to discover the castle: arms rooms, keep, underground passages as well as the museum and mediaeval garden. Plans of the visit and educational tours for children and adolescents are available at the castle’s reception.

Practical info
Château de Montcornet en Ardenne - 08090 Montcornet (on the D22, 2km from Renwez) The Association des Amis du Château de Montcornet, founded by Abbot Lussigny who acquired the ruins in 1961, backed up by the district of Montcornet and the Départemental and Regional Councils, are striving to show the site off to its advantage. Site open for visits from 2 to 6pm Consult the site for its opening days.
Tel : 03 24 54 93 48